All-Ukrainian Programming Cup, Bytedance Contest

7th stage, div. 1, July 24, 2022

Show CategoryTeams Average problems solved by top 4 teams Average place taken by top 4 teams Problems solved by 4th team
Student 11 2.0 3.5 1
School 8 1.5 5.5 1
All 19 2.5 2.5 2
Start time Contest speed Penalty for wrong submission Start the contest Finish the contest Suspend the contest Show Ranking
Standings [5:00:00]
Place User Category A B C D E F G H I J K Total Penalty Dirt Rating
0_GB_RAM (Zavodnyk, Lutsenko, Savchuk), total = 2481
Student -3 +
-13 +1
[KhNURE] Energy is not over (Aslandukov, Vallas, Barenblat), total = 2825
Student +4
-3 -2 +1
cpEnjoyers (Lukyanov, Smutchak, Tikhoniuk, Samchenko), total = 2022
School +
PRISbeerMATIC: Kaminskyi, Tymoshenko, Yanushevskyi
School +
Ehh (Grinenko), total = 1822
Student +
HKG (Perekopskyi, Denysov, Abdulaiev, Skorobogatko), total = 2014
Student -2 -2 +1
ПОНі (Kozlovskyi, Stolitnii, Tatarinova, Debelyi), total = 1569
School -1 +2
divchata BEZ piva (Denysiuk, Reizin, Naver), total = 2628
School -16 +6
Constructive (Lozovyi, Fedorchuk, Chernytskyi, Yuzkevych), total = 1541
School +2
[UzhNU] 3yagoda: Merenych, Maior, Pitsura
Student +3
SLOZNO: Tychkovskyi, Nyzhnyk, Sydorenko
Student -2 +7
PEPE: Loshak, Tovtyn, Symkin
Student -8 -7
Div 0 (Tsitsei, Feisa, Slyvka, Tymkovych), total = 620
School -21
Soborniy Legion (Foyak, Psiuk, Strelbytska), total = 1341
School -2 -1 -2 -1 -20 -3 -1 -2 -1 -1 -1
zeleboba (Pasko, Kazakov, Roshchupkin, Stanislavov), total = 1360
Student -1 -2
[UzhNU] Roman_Empire: Stehura, Zadorozhnyi, Oliiarnyk, Gavrylov
Student -1
[LNU] NextGen (Chaika, Ferendovich, Stiahar, Mysko)
Student -3
Оці_з_Algo: Matviiuk, Shelestov
School -1
(-_-(-_-) (Voronoi, Logvin), total = 1859
Student -9
7771777 Submissions:   2 25 17 3 81 21 35 8 3 8 1 204 9999 0.99 200.00
Accepted:   0 0 1 1 11 2 0 0 0 2 0 17      
  %:   0% 0% 6% 33% 14% 10% 0% 0% 0% 25% 0% 8%