Southeastern Europe Regional Programming Contest

Bucharest - Vinnytsya, October 18, 2014

Show RegionTeams Average problems solved by top 3 teams Average place taken by top 3 teams Problems solved by 3th team
Ukraine 32 9.0 2.0 9
Romania 22 6.3 14.0 4
Serbia 5 5.3 19.0 5
Turkey 7 5.0 21.7 4
Bulgaria 5 4.0 41.0 3
Macedonia 2 3.5 45.0 3
Albania 1 1.0 71.0 1
All 74 9.0 2.0 9
Start time Contest speed Penalty for wrong submission Start the contest Finish the contest Suspend the contest
Standings [5:00:00]
Place User Region A B C D E F G H I J Total Penalty Dirt
LNU Penguins Ukraine +
Flawless Ukraine +
Unicon Ukraine +
Unibuc_Infoarena_Coders Romania +
ONU 1 2/3 Ukraine +
-31 +
VNTU_[wRabbits] Ukraine +
-2 +
UzhNU_Brainiacs Ukraine +
-4 +
ZNTU_SetUp Ukraine +
-8 +1
NTUKhPI_iddqd Ukraine +
-4 +
n0 ex1t Bulgaria +
-2 +1
Boun1 Turkey +
-7 -8 +1
SmartAnts Romania +
RAF Serbia +
-24 +2
KhNU_Ag45Team Ukraine +
-6 +1
KhNURE_United Ukraine +
LNU FiredUp Ukraine +
-10 +
NTUU_KPI_IASA_bycicle Ukraine +
LNU Hallo_World Ukraine +
ByeByeACM Ukraine +
RAF MDCS Serbia +7
Boun2 Turkey +
[MDCS] GukiZ_FORCE Serbia +
-1 +
Frogs Ukraine +
-2 -7 +1
-3 +
ONU_Antananarivu Ukraine +
Unibuc_devils Romania +
-1 +
Kuutya Romania +
ONPU_Compote Ukraine +
FINKI 1 Macedonia +
-2 +
Go Banana! Romania +
-1 +
NTUU_KPI_IASA12 Ukraine +
-2 +1
Bilkent-SBOT Turkey +
-7 +
PNU_afof32 Ukraine +
Reverse_Polarity Ukraine +
UzhNU_Beavers Ukraine +
DNU-1 Ukraine +
Unibuc_wildrabbits Romania +1
UzhNU_AwesomeTeam Ukraine +
UBB Mindcoders Romania +
-3 -1 +
NULP_РRІMЕ Ukraine +
-3 +
KhNU_TheBigBangTheory Ukraine +
VNTU [rWabbits] Ukraine +
CBalgO(1) Romania +
RAF KGCG Serbia +
Retired But Dangerous Romania +
-3 -1 +
Binary Balloons 2 Romania +
-2 +
TUCN-Hagyma Romania +
-15 +
KhNURE_RandomPeople Ukraine +
-2 +1
-3 +
binary_life Bulgaria +
-4 +
NTUKhPI_PowerQuirks Ukraine +
-1 +1
-10 +1
UAIC_Berendea_Pojoga_Onesim Romania +
-3 +
-8 +
METU1 Turkey +
-5 +1
-2 +
TUCN-Eagles Romania +
-3 +
UTI_Gheorghita_Gilca_Nutu Romania +
-2 +
DNU-Cifeidion Ukraine +
METU2 Turkey +
-4 +
Furia Politehnicii Romania +1
-4 -1 +
VNTU[RED] Ukraine +
-1 +1
LogicError Turkey +
UAIC_Luncasu_Rusu_Vlas Romania +1
-4 +3
FINKI 2 Macedonia +
-4 +3
Boun0 Turkey +1
-10 +
ZNTU_Kappatalize Ukraine +1
Agents Bulgaria +2
NoName Romania +
-4 -2 -3
UCVSoftwareBullets Romania -2 +2
UR Bulgaria -4 +2
UCVSoftwareWizards Romania +2
-2 +2
TUCN-Frunza Romania +3
-2 +7
MDCS Ljute Grmeclije Serbia +2
-6 +7
Epoka Albania +4
WhiteAnts Romania -1 +4
-1 -1
UBB-PTV Romania -4 -11
Minions Bulgaria -5
7771777 Submissions:   87 27 70 174 169 53 61 102 33 138 914 9999 0.99
Accepted:   67 5 9 72 43 12 5 66 2 22 303    
  %:   77% 19% 13% 41% 25% 23% 8% 65% 6% 16% 33%